When You Just Know: My Dream’s Journey

(Picture: Me with 4 times Ms. Olympia, Andrea Shaw!)
For the past three years, I’ve had this big dream of going pro. It’s not just a wish; it’s something I really want, so much that I’m willing to wait until I’m absolutely ready for my big debut. For The Arnold, I was all in, but also kind of in the dark about how things would turn out. I had done everything by the book—paid the entry fee, embraced the bronze hue of determination that only a competition tan can offer, and prepared myself mentally and physically. Yet, as the days inched closer, my body whispered secrets of resistance, hinting that perhaps, the timing wasn’t as perfect as I had envisioned. Doubt crept in, not about the destination, but about the readiness of my vessel to embark on this pivotal journey.
Despite the uncertainty, I chose to trust the process, to believe in the power of divine timing. “Stay the course,” my heart urged, even as my mind clamored for more time to prepare, to sculpt my physique into the masterpiece I envisioned. I’ve had my share of wins and top placements before, so I know what it feels like to succeed. But this time, it’s about more than that. It’s about being fully prepared, both in mind and body, to take that pro title.
So, with a heart full of dreams and a spirit guided by the stars, I ask you to journey with me for just a little longer. Give me twelve more weeks to prepare, to align my stars, to ensure that when I step onto that stage, I am not just present, but profoundly there.
This journey, though intensely personal, is not a solitary one. By my side, as always, stands my husband Eric Dejuan, my unwavering pillar of support. This time, he brought with him a beacon of our shared dreams—our brother brand OOO Alien. With the “Errrybody Ugly” shirt, a signature emblem of our creative spirit, he stepped into the Arnold Expo, not just as my supporter but as a visionary in his own right. The universe conspired, transforming a moment of pause in my journey into a catapult for our shared dreams. Fans, celebrities, influencers—people across the nation—were captivated, not just by the brand, but by the story we embody, a story of dreams, delays, and divine timing.
This twist of fate, this unfolding was my silent confirmation. Every decision, every BOLD move, was a stitch in the fabric of our destiny, leading us exactly where we need to be.
So, keep an eye out for May 17th and show some love for our brand OOO Alien. Your support means the world to us!
With all my heart,
Crystal Andrea
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