11 Worst Foods to Avoid During the Holidays

Happy Holidays 🎄 So let’s talk food! Let’s be real, we all know this weekend will bring family, friends, fun, and southern food. But what does this food really do to our bodies, our 2023 Summer Bodies? 😩
It's no secret that the holiday season can be a difficult time to stick to your diet and fitness goals. But it's not impossible! If you're willing to make a few "small" sacrifices, you can still enjoy the holidays while keeping your weight under control. Here are my top foods to avoid over holidays.
1. Fried Chicken

Fried to perfection with a juicy bite. But is it worth the extra love handle fat?
2. Mac and Cheese

Layered with 4-5 cheeses in carbs and dairy! Our mid sections will be bloated and full.🤘🏾
3. Dressing

Whew chile! You wanna talk CARB Heavy!!! And let's not forget the heavy gravy with all its loaded sodium.
4. Dinner Rolls

Bread! White fluffy buttered bread. Another carb thats hard to resist but hey… is it worth it?
5. Mash Potatoes with Heavy Gravy
In the words of Uncle Phil (with little tiny onions) Only Fresh Prince Fans will get this one! ☝🏾🤣
6. Sweet Potato Casserole

This one is my favorite but why must we use the entire bag of sugar for its sweetness? 😩
7. Creamy Corn

Super creamy and stirred just right but the older we get, can we really digest corn properly?
8. Red Velvet Cake

This is very difficult to speak on and super personal but each slice is probably 800 calories of flavored goodness.
9. Pecan Pie

The filling is where the sugar lies. The more sugar, the more unwanted fat. My husband likes to eat these cold! Anyone else?
10. Sweet Potato Pie

Your grandma’s favorite dish with the perfect center. The problem is, we end up eating half the pie.
11.Sweet Tea

No family can resist a pitcher of homemade sweet tea (my auntie makes the best!) But let’s be honest, a glass of water is the right choice.
The list HIIT me hard! Like, whoa wait, punching a combo #1-#3, then seeing #8. Oh lawd! Lol. I just read this BOLD Blog today (12/30) I did have all 4 of my faves for Thanksgiving.
I’m sticking to my diet regimen. I will not be tempted. Coconut cake will not cross my lips and land on my hips this holiday season.
I’m avoiding everything on this list except the Sweet Tea. I attempted to plan the menu, but I my Mom brought her sweet tea.
Whew!! This whole list is delicious! I’m probably be partaking, but in moderation.
I love you baby cousin! But I will probably eat about half of that list above – and enjoy it!!!!!! (smiles). I Love you!!! And MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! Happy New Year!!!!
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